Dry Eye Treatment
If you have ever experienced any of the symptoms associated with dry eye, no one needs to tell you how uncomfortable the condition is. If you need dry eye treatment in Murphy and Plano, the optometry professionals at Bright Eyes Vision Clinic are ready to assist you. Constant dry eyes can lead to some rather serious complications. Here is what you need to know about the condition and how we treat it.
Immediate Dry Eye Relief
Dry eye is the result of inadequate tear production. Whether your tears are too low in quality or quantity, the results are the same. People tend to experience dry eyes during the peak of allergy season and the winter months. There have been several studies that have indicated supplements that contain omega fatty acid can help alleviate dry eye symptoms. Warm compresses can also be used. Our eye doctor recommends keeping artificial tears on hand to use for immediate dry eye relief. There are several things you can do to minimize your chances of experiencing dry eye, including:
- Removing eye makeup completely before bed
- Taking 15 to 20-minute breaks when you are using your computer or handheld electronic device
- Wearing sunglasses that protect your eyes from both UV rays and the elements
Considerations for Dry Eye Treatment
If you experience dry eye more than a couple of times a week, consider scheduling an eye exam. Our eye doctor will conduct a thorough exam which includes questions about your medical history and your lifestyle. Sometimes, people experience dry eye due to blood pressure medication, birth control pills, antidepressants, and antihistamines.
Our eye doctor also considers the risk factors that could also contribute to dry eyes. Once you reach the age of 50, tear production decreases. A diet deficient in vitamin A may also be contributing to your dry eye symptoms. People who wear contact lenses, or have had refractive surgery are also prone to experience the drying of their eyes. It should also be noted that women also tend to be more prone to the condition.